Friday night was a surreal moment for "The Common Man"
Under a blanket of stars on a perfect summer's night before a quiet lake which shimmered like Galadriel's mirror, I indulged myself with a favourite chore - building a fire. It was a moment of pure bliss, with three of my four children at the cottage with me and the fourth ever present in my mind, a cold libation and pleasant thoughts, I revelled that for thousands of years this same setting would have tugged at the heart strings of the common man. It was something with which every man could identify. Revelling in the vastness of God's creation surrounded by the love of one's family and knowing that one small speck of existence was yet of infinite value to the One who had created it all. The fire blazing - mesmerizing as it always is - occasional sparks floating up to heaven with my prayers of thanksgiving. It is good to be alive. The warmth of those inviting flames were just a chill next to the joy I felt in my heart.
Under a blanket of stars on a perfect summer's night before a quiet lake which shimmered like Galadriel's mirror, I indulged myself with a favourite chore - building a fire. It was a moment of pure bliss, with three of my four children at the cottage with me and the fourth ever present in my mind, a cold libation and pleasant thoughts, I revelled that for thousands of years this same setting would have tugged at the heart strings of the common man. It was something with which every man could identify. Revelling in the vastness of God's creation surrounded by the love of one's family and knowing that one small speck of existence was yet of infinite value to the One who had created it all. The fire blazing - mesmerizing as it always is - occasional sparks floating up to heaven with my prayers of thanksgiving. It is good to be alive. The warmth of those inviting flames were just a chill next to the joy I felt in my heart.